I am an interdisciplinary artist, musician and technologist working in Aberystwyth, Wales. I studied at Aberystwyth School of Art and graduated with a BA (hons) in 2022. My current work embraces technology, both as inspiration and as a means of production.
musicalandscape is based on explorations of a found object.
null island falls is a project which concentrates the imagination on a set of co-ordinates – 0°N 0°E
This project featured in the “Not Supposed To Know” exhibition at Thirtyfive Gamble in Nottingham : June 2nd – 4th 2023.
the sound behind the silence (Graduate Show)
We are surrounded by electro-magnetic radiation. Our planet has an electro-magnetic field (EMF), as do our bodies. Man-made electronic equipment such as microwave ovens, mobile phones and computers, DVD players, TV screens, Belisha beacons and bank ATMs contribute to the all day, every day bombardment of EMF.
the sound behind the silence combines EMF recordings from walks around Aberystwyth and shadows made from EMF sensor circuits. The installation seeks to address our exposure to the proliferation of EMF radiation and our reliance on the multitude of electronic devices and appliances that fill our lives.
I delivered a series of Mesolithic Orchestra workshops at Ceredigion Museum in Aberystwyth during June 2023. This work was part of the Portalis Project, looking at early connections between the Mesolithic peoples of Wales and Ireland. The workshops look at the materials, technologies and activities of sound making used by our ancestors. Participants can explore instrument making, composition and performance.
When Earth Speaks
In August 2023 I took part in Miranda Whall’s project “When Earth Speaks”. The project uses soil sensor data from 12 sensors located in the Cambrian Mountains. The day’s improvised performance incorporated sound, music, spoken word, dance and live soil sensor data. It was a fantastic day of experimentation and synergy.
The ensemble consisted of Miranda Whall (drawing), Louise Ritchie (voice), Martha Tribe (dance), John Yeadon (cello) and myself on guitar.
You can find out more about Miranda’s project here: https://www.mirandawhall.space/when-earth-speaks/
You can find out more about the Dirty Ensembles and the next performance here: https://www.mirandawhall.space/when-earth-speaks/
I was pleased to be asked to help out my nephew, Leon Underwood over the summer. Leon is a newly graduated film maker and he needed some assistance with sound design and music for a short trailer he was making. We both enjoyed the process, which was our first time working together.
Subsequently, Leon did the camera work and some editing for the Spanish Rose video. He has also done more filming for Cathy Beckham’s interview with artist Simon Pierse for his exhibition “Indian Yellow” at MOMA Machynlleth.
Another project to see the light of day (and night) was “Spanish Rose“, which I wrote with Cathy Beckham. Working on the video gave us the opportunity to enlist the help and artistry of some of our wonderful friends and family.
January 2024 saw me performing a rare solo gig of improvisation and sonic exploration at the Bank Vault in Aberystwyth as part of the NAWR Aberystywth experimental music events.
You can see a video recording of my performance here: https://youtu.be/tkB74WA5R2I
As part of Borthfest at the end of May 2024, I took part in a music workshop led by composer Peter Wiegold, artistic director of the Third Orchestra. The festival organisers managed to recruit twenty musicians and eight singers into the ensemble. This varied collection of artists spent the day workshopping a selection of pieces under the expert direction of Peter and his marvelous assistant Martin Butler. It was an amazing experience to be part of the ensemble and create wonderful music with such an eclectic mix of instruments, personalities and ideas.
When Earth Speaks – a dirty ensemble
In June 2024, I was delighted to participate in Miranda Whall’s Dirty Ensemble as part of her “When Earth Speaks” project. The performance took place at Theatre Y Werin at Aberystwyth Arts Centre.
Comprised of a Butoh dancer, visual artist, percussionist, double bassist, violinist, guitarist, sound designer, live soil data from the Cambrian Mountains, robotics and local data, the ensemble of highly accomplished artists performed an improvised piece in response to the data and each other.
You can read more about the project here: https://www.mirandawhall.space/when-earth-speaks/
You can see more information about the film here: https://www.mirandawhall.space/the-film/
“The Shake(speare) Show”
I was asked by Richard Hull, director of “The Shake(speare) Show” to compose a series of musical cues for inclusion in the theatre piece by Aberystwyth Community Theatre group. The performance was staged at Aberystwyth Arts Centre in June 2024. This was my first involvement in composition for theatre and I look forward to further opportunities in the future.
Owen Roberts Beckham
As part of MUSICFEST Aberystwyth fringe events I was invited to perform at Irie’s Rum Bar in Aberystwyth with Poet Gareth Alun Roberts and Wind instrumentalist Lyndon Owen. Lyndon and I improvised an evening of music to accompany Gareth’s poetry. A thoroughly enjoyable experience that convinced us that we should do more performances together.